Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some recent photos

We've spent quite a bit of time down at the boat this winter - unfortunately most of it has been at the slip! Not that that's a bad thing - we love our marina, and especially D-Dock, which has the most awesomest of awesome boaters we've ever met. We love hanging out with the D-Dock crowd!

But it has been a rather cold and, some weekends, rainy winter, which has not been very conducive to actually taking Julianne out. Still, we have made it to Santa Cruz a couple of times, and done a few day-sails. Here's sunset over Anacapa, looking from the stern of Julianne at Smugglers in Santa Cruz:

A view of Smuggler's Cove, Santa Cruz:

I'd gone hoop-netting the night before we left, and ended up with two nice-sized lobsters and a HUGE rock crab. Here they are, ready to be cooked up for dinner...and then, on the plate in front of Charlie:

On the way home we encountered a pod of dolphins. I couldn't get too many decent shots (they move so fast!), but I got a few:

The night of the annual Parade of Lights was horrendously windy, and FREEZING cold! Still, our entire dock pulled out all the stops in decorating our boats, and D-Dock ended up glowing brighter than the Las Vegas Strip!

Naturally we won the harbor-wide contest for the best-decorated dock, rewarding us with a catered dock party (to be held in March). We celebrated with a party of our own at the clubhouse:

...followed by a frigid night of watching the lit-up boats from other docks go sailing by:

Here's a shot of our new brass bell, mounted in the galley so I can call the skipper and crew to dinner:

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